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Baptist Press (BP) is the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention and is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. Baptist Press is responsible for providing regular news releases about Southern Baptists, serving as the Convention’s press representative, and coordinating news operations for annual meetings of the Southern Baptist Convention. Baptist Press also provides news service to state Baptist papers.

The service was originally formed at the suggestion of the editors of the state convention newspapers in 1946. Since then, it has grown into the largest religious news service in the United States. State papers reprint stories and opinion pieces from Baptist Press to inform Baptists in the respective states about the news those editors deem significant for their readers. Recognizing its role to serve the broader evangelical community, Baptist Press seeks to carry stories and report news that is of interest to numerous like-minded evangelical readers.

Baptist Press also provides weekly news and opinion for the Spanish-speaking community through Baptist Press en Español.

Baptist Press is owned by the Southern Baptist Convention, supported by contributions from Southern Baptists through the Cooperative Program, and staffed by the SBC Executive Committee.